Current Development Status (Jan. 20th, 2016)
Watch this space as we will try to constantly keep it up to date with the most up to date AXIOM Beta development and production information.
The camera internal webserver is up and running an can already serve image sensor register tables as well as Piecewiese Linear Reponse (PLR) HDR curve graphs. Color science related tasks like color calibration, non-linearity measurements as well as fixed pattern noise compensation, etc. are in full swing already. The final PCB revisions of all boards for the Early Betas have been received from OSHPark and after assembly have been tested and verified. The hardware seems to be free of design faults or bugs (as far as we can tell) and the camera is able to operate and work flawlessly from a hardware point of view. Not every single hardware component has been thoroughly tested in every possible operation mode so there is still a small chance that minor problems will be identified in the future - but we are rather optimistic everything is in order. We are also making progress with creating testing hardware that runs automated verification on the electronics for quality assurance. HDMI live output is working as well as recording high speed bursts into RAM - the sensor runs on a lower than max clock frequency so from the software side performance is set to increase over time. A small batch of Early Betas for developers and early adopters is currently being assembled manually by our team - which is a bit slow but automated assembly for such low quantities just makes no sense financially. Once those vouchers have been fulfilled the next production batch will start.